Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Being an American in the Aquarian Age

Over the years, I have had numerology readings by Gail and others.  She just sent me this Blog Post which I love.  Why, because it reminds me of the organization of time and space and the connection we have to the universe and each other.  It takes me from now, this day, to why are we here and what should we be trying to do with our short time on earth  while being helped by personal life blueprint.  

Below you will see a gift guide by your birth date.  I did mine, and my number is "2".  It says  "We are the peacemakers".  Go figure!:)  Hope you enjoy these insights and previews as just another piece of information in this complex experience we call "life".   
Trends Analyst • Speaker & Trainer • Professional Numerology Consultant
Gail Minogue

I have previously discussed the origins of the United States of America from a more esoteric point of view including why this country was created and what it its greater purpose.  As you know, we have entered into the “dawning of the Age of Aquarius”–the long, approximately 2400 hundred years of change and progress for the species.  With it comes the concept of the rights of the individual and the merging of the rights of the individual with the collective.  Many other characteristics of this Age include great advancement in the use of energy, technology, astrophysics, nanobots, rapid discoveries, global inclusion, detachment, mind focus and  a contraction and eventual elimination of man-made religions.  It is difficult to imagine a world without some of the habits of our current daily lives.
If you understand the beginnings of the last Age, or a few hundred years prior to the birth of Jesus Christ, you can see we have advanced.  Eventually parts of the world that are still living in a time period similar to the beginning of the last Age, will be included in this world progression into the Aquarian Age.  Africa is a late arrival to the group but she is joining as are other parts of the world.  As we march along with the procession of the constellations in the heavens, we progress to the next Age.  Humankind rarely gives a thought to our being tied to the constellations or the procession of the equinox but it is easy to see the connection once you understand their importance.
Now how does this affect the average, every day American?  A great deal!  We were chosen hundreds of years ago to help usher in this period of advancement.  You could almost say with the birth of the United States, the Aquarian Age became official.  From the time of our beginning, we had to detach from Mother Britain and go it alone.  Brave men and women pledged their lives and fortunes to begin a place on the planet where the individual would be developed.  In order to do this, a system of laws were created to help progress this idea.  The Constitution and Bill of Rights were created as a working body of law that could be changed as society changed.
Through the United States’ birth, the world could begin to pull away from the hierarchy of the King and the Pope.  It was a rag tag group of people lumping their dreams and hopes in a new land where the individual could be developed.  It is the hot house for new ideas, capitalism, industry, invention, human rights and favorable bankruptcy laws.  You could fail in the United States and you could start over which was and still is a foreign concept in most countries.  Yes, we have the ACLU, but we also have the Koch brothers.  We have welcomed foreigners to our shore and we still fight over immigration.  We have always been doing this only earlier is was over the Germans, Irish and Italians.
What is the price we pay for being the chief cheerleader of this Aquarius Age?  We are still the beacon on the hill and I never hear anyone say that want to emigrate to China or India or other booming economies.  We pay the price with our loneliness.  We are the largest user of the world’s anti-depressants.  In order to become individualized, we must leave the tribe.  That could be leaving your family and friends “back east” or in another country in order to take a new job or begin a new life.  Without our family and friends, we are forced to create new communities wherever we go.  We are forced do rub up against people who are different than us.  We drive social media and join churches and temples for a sense of community rather than religious dogma.
We separate young from old and put our old in nursing homes and other housing over “there”.  We give up our privacy in the name of technology.  We jump on the next fad or movement.  Nassir Ghaemi, the author of “On Depression and A First-Rate Madness” and a professor of psychiatry and pharmacology at Tufts Medical Center in Boston wrote “The Dark Side of Feel-Good Viral Videos” at Zocalo Public Square, http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2014/01/21/the-dark-side-of-feel-good-viral-videos/ideas/nexus/  he mentions that “almost two centuries ago, Ralph Waldo Emerson noted that the average American walked around with a new proposed Constitution in his pocket.  Reformers where all over the place; they were convinced they could change the world.  An yet, Emerson observed, they paid no attention to their own souls, to their own private unhappiness, to be better connected to the actual world around them as opposed to the abstract universes in their minds.”
He mentions that we are lonely and bored and so we go looking for stimulation and we get into trouble on occasion.  He goes on to say that we are more self-obsessed, but paradoxically, we let the entire world know about it.  It is another self-centered, self-obsession in which we spend hours on Facebook and meet friends in person less frequently.
Remember, early on I mentioned that we are the pioneers of this Age and we are to learn how to wisely develop the individual and merge it into the collective.  We are learning what works for us by going to extremes.  The early Facebook audience were mainly teenagers who have moved on to other sites.  Now a middle age audience is growing on Facebook.  All of this is teaching us about ourselves and the maturing of the individual.  We are passing from “teenage” self-absorption to humankind absorption.  Remember, Ages are long as we move from constellation to constellation.  We no longer are making gingerbread type housing, we no longer are an agricultural society and our religions are morphing into more secular teachings.
We are learning how to keep our boundaries and to think before you speak or write.  We have about 2100 years to learn.

Managing Your Attitude

No matter how challenging or changing  are the times, it will be your attitude that will deliver you to happiness or despair.  It is
Managing Your Attitude
Managing Your Attitude
important to control your attitude and you must learn how to do this.  We invest all this time, energy and money into “feel good” endeavors yet we have not learned how to manage ourselves or our attitudes.
Abraham Lincoln said long ago that a person is as happy as he/she makes up his mind to be.  If you can learn this simple truth, you will never be at the mercy of outer circumstances.  Jobs, people, health, freedom, money, houses may come and go but it will be up to you to manage yourself through these circumstances.  Become aware of the affects of the world on your mind.  What is it doing to you?  Do you know?  What have you allowed to happen to you by your attitude?
I have several clients who are in cancer treatment, in cancer remission or have died from the cancer.  This news comes as an enormous shock to the individual and man-made thinking will play a huge role in the attitude of the cancer patient.  I have one client who has been working with his cancer for 18 years, has never had surgery, but manages it as you would diabetes or high blood pressure.  There comes a time when self-management must be activated in order to work with the cancer rather than be its victim.  So much power is given to the cancer that people succumb as the environment expects.  Recently there was a New York Times article entitled “Why Everyone Seems to Have Cancer”.  George Johnson, New York Times, January 5, 2014.  It is so prevalent in our society as we live longer.  We are accustomed to hearing about people getting it rather than hearing about someone’s heart attack.
Yet, there are books about cases of individuals who have eliminated cancers with proper nutrition, activity and above all, the attitude of wanting to live and acting as if it is possible.  The old adage “act as you would become” has real power to it.  It all depends on your attitude.
Our new Aquarian Age is building on the self mastering the self–not group think.  Many of us long for the good old days but we cannot go back to them and why would we?  How do we break away from this “group think”?  We must keep ourselves informed and keep our feet on the ground.  Learn to become more self-reliant.  We can get information from many sources and this is a good idea but at the end of the day, it is your life you are living.  You will live or die with your decisions and you will clear up the mental chaos that bombards your mind from the outside work.  Watch what you assume.  Make less assumptions and take note when you are deceiving yourself.  If you can control your attitude, then it doesn’t matter that the markets are up or down or your lover just left.  You manage yourself rather than the times.

All of us are born with numerical blueprints hidden in our dates of birth and our birth names.  Our blueprints reveal our life direction, destiny, personalities and an enormous amount of information about us.  Our most important number is our life path, or the road we our traveling.  This is found in your date of birth and is your major learning lesson.  You are living this number while you are here on earth.  This number will have certain qualities that will draw in a variety of experiences for you to learn and grow.  It also gives you clues when you are choosing a gift for this person.
To help you buy a gift (or make a gift) that an individual would love, look to their learning lesson for the clue.  You will need the person’s date of birth.  To discover their number, add their full birth date together and then reduce to a single digit.  For example, if a person is born April 6, 1960, they would be working with the number 8 life path/learning lesson.  4 + 6+ 16 = 26.  2+ 6 = 8.  I just added the month to the day to the year.  I got the compound number 26 and reduced the compound number to a single digit.  You can do the same.  Here are some suggestions for the various numbers:
The No. 1--These people are pretty independent.  They are learning to be courageous, bold and self-starters.  They are learning to blaze trails.  You might want to get them courses, products, services that help foster independence and leadership.  Buy them tickets to hear a good speaker on being avant-garde or starting your own business.  Cheer on their inventiveness and help them to find the money to fund their ideas.
The No. 2–These are your peacekeepers.  They are learning how to see both sides of issues, diplomacy, tact, negotiators, peacekeepers.  They work well with others but must be careful that they don’t become doormats.  These are sensitive souls.  Gift them with products or services that will give them confidence and help them value themselves.  They also love information on relationships–both intimate and business.
The No. 3--These are your creative people who are learning how to bring joy to others and to themselves.  They lighten everything up for us.  You find them in the entertainment world, your local design and fengshui person as well as your motivational speaker.  They make great hosts and you definitely want to go to their parties.  Gift them with services or products that are beautiful, fun and creative.  Buy them tickets to the theater, buy them enrollment in a writing class or other creative endeavor.  Encougage their hosting abilities.
The No. 4--These are your worker bees.  They work very hard and can get themselves stuck in work.  They produce.  Sometimes they can box themselves in so let’s give the 4′s  a break.  Gift them with a spa trip or a massage.  Buy them software to help organize something so they don’t physically have to do it.  Buy a gift certificate for an extravagant restaurant.  They are traditional deep down so buy traditional items.
The No. 5–These are your free expression people who are always as a point of change.  Anything to do with travel is a plus.  New luggage, clothes that pack easily and have a dual role, classes on meditation to calm them down, easy travel products and a gift certificate to Zappos online for new shoes.  These people are always moving somewhere.
The No. 6–These are your domestic individuals.  Them seem to always be needed by somebody.  Family, community, employees are all important to them.  They are your rescuers and need to be needed.  Sometimes they will burn themselves out with all of this responsibility.  Definitely get this group body care products–really healthy products that are chemical free–a day at a spa, cookbooks, food products, flowers and anything to do with gardening, music and even tickets to a great concert.
The No. 7–These are your cerebrals.  The thinkers.  They tend to analyze everything and want to know.  They need time alone–but not too much.  They like fine quality items so do not buy this group anything that doesn’t have some refinement to it.  It might be small but it should be of very good quality.  Buy them things for their brains.  They are drawn to the natural world, history and archaeology so give them information about the ancient worlds, perhaps a trip if money permits.  Gift them natural items of wood, earth etc.
The No. 8–These are your bosses and money people.  They like to be in charge.  Give them gifts that go with power.  They want power and are learning how to do it wisely.  Extravagance can be spread here.  If they are bosses-in-the-making, gift them with power lunches, money-making classes, good quality jewelery, cases, clothes.  No junky stuff here.  If they are children, start teaching them about stocks by buying them a share or two of something of high quality and have them follow it.  They need to learn about money early.
The No. 9--These are your humanitarians and artists.  The natural shrinks.  They are always giving advice and have good ability to assist others into their potential.  They are universal and international so anything in this genre is fine.  Beautiful hand-made gifts from foreign lands are naturals.  They can be dramatic so clothes that are black with color are great.  Remember they appreciate the arts so take them to the theater, opera, galleries.  They have a great eye for beauty so follow that lead.  Buy them a beautiful vase, print, great fabric or photography.  They are great at photography and sculpturing.
Enjoy the holidays and perhaps, you might want to gift yourself.
 ........Read more at Gail's blog here:  http://www.gailminogue.com/you-pay-the-price-for-being-an-american-in-the-aquarian-age/

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