Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Music Genres of Folk, Beatbox, Blues, Country, Motown, Rock and Roll, Hip Hop and Spoken Word.

My entire life, I have loved music.  From my early youth singing in the church choir through high school, listening to my dad play the guitar and sing old country tunes, I knew it was the art form that touched me more than any other.  And this feeling is even more intense today.

I don't play an instrument, but I love to sing.  The art of music composition fascinates me and the way people react to music's now, scientifically proven powers,  is something I have known in my heart since I was a child.

In 2015 we will be producing another amazing songwriting camp and performance arts show to help heal the world.  The more I learn about the positive aspects of music on the brain and how music affects our emotional outlook on life,  the more I am convinced that this art form can bring peace to our lives, to the world and inspire change.  

Our next "camp" will feature professionals from the music industry from folk, blues, country, Beatbox, Motown, rock and roll, hip hop and spoken word.  We are reaching out to musicians, songwriters, composers and more who want to help promote social change in small or big ways in their art form, in the way they lead their lives and how they treat the world.  It can be fun, uplifting, poetic, and or confrontational.  It's all good if it's good and moves the spirit.

Who are some of the artists you know and love that you could recommend for us 
to reach out to, or visa versa? They can be known or unknown, 
but we need a short bio and links sent via email.

Please share this post with artists you admire or know on 
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and more!  

Together we can build an amazing roster for the 
Peace Journey 2015 writing and performance camp.

Send recommendations to: jkravitz@peacejourney.com

Our team is looking at a variety of unique concert venues in the USA to host the event, and are in discussions with partners, media and camp professionals! 

Stay tuned and we look forward to your ideas! 

Friday, September 19, 2014


YES, IT'S FUN TO DO A 10% OFF For a Day This Special!

As an event producer and developer for our charity at PeaceJourney.com, I so appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes to build a consensus and pull together key partners to make extraordinary events like this come together.

I also love the fact that each of us, in our own way can get out any day of the year and remember to celebrate the gift of freedom in America. And, the reality is that in most ways for most of us, peace is a big part of our lives.

Yes, regions of our country and the world seem to be the worst they can be right now, but in our own lives we need to be accountable for our contributions to peace within our communities  our family and friends and loved ones.  

Please, take a little time this weekend to be grateful for our military and the men and women who are working hard everyday to keep us safe, while we enjoy the freedoms and peace in our lives.  And do something to help others lives.  It's small gestures that make the most impact.

Blessings to all and a little savings doesn't hurt! 

J. Barcelos

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Respect to Mother Earth

I love the earth...

Today, as I looked outside my office window, onto the vast sea of beautiful architecture in Chicago's landscape and breathe in the cool, crisp fall air, I was drawn outside, for there was a big surprise, yet another cluster of green beans in a pot I planted earlier this year.  And several variety of mint for my favorite drink Mojitos, flourishing and growing all summer long, and looking as fresh as the day they were planted.

In my sweatshirt and yoga pants, I took it all in and was overwhelmed by a sense of gratefulness to be here at this time and place, enjoying the pace of the city outside my door while basking in the chill with plants that may not be around in month when the planet brings in it's fall chill and renewal winter.

So for this moment, I wanted to reach out to each of you and ask; "Do you love the earth, our home?"  Do you treasure as often as possible, the gifts of food and flowers, of sunrises and senses of sea, forests, mountains and deserts, and sunsets of vibrant color, put on each day and night as a gift from our planet and for our pleasure?  

I can only think at this moment how care for our earth just cannot simply be a political issue.    What matters is that we show love for Mother Earth in the way we care for her and nourish her existence, while not destroying the very important and essential elements that help her thrive and survive for herself, for all the animals and insects, the plants and fish and for each of us.

Climate change arguments have been raging for so long.  I am not a scientist.  But I know intuitively that without caring for something you love, it will not flourish and it will struggle to survive.  

Please, just give some thought to Mother Earth tonight, as you watch the sunset and again in the morning, as she graces us with her morning light.  And think about what we each can do to treat her with the love and respect she so deserves.   

Love and light   J. Barcelos

Friday, September 5, 2014

WBEZ Global Activism Student Youth Start Up Night at Lincoln Hall

September 4, 2014  Lincoln Hall Chicago Illinois
WBEZ Global Activism Student Start-Ups and a Night at Lincoln Hall

A few years ago, Global Activism Expo was hosted in a major venue in Chicago, but last year the decision was made to break this one-date Expo into a few events throughout the year focused on different subjects.  Last night,  Lincoln Hall hosted one of this years event where one-time students now young adults,  showcased their now successful projects for humanity. 

I like this new, smaller format for the Expo because it is not so overwhelming for the participants.  The night concluded with a discussion panel and beautiful music.

I especially liked the student project called MealSharing.com.  My husband and I just went to a movie titled "If I Stay" and in that film the key young woman character's family was bohemian, caring, loving to all and had family pot-luck dinners every Sunday for whoever wanted to stop by.  

The parents came out of the music industry too, so the dinners would turn into music jams.  I loved it.  MealSharing brings on that experience of community and I plan to get involved!  My work for school food taught me the importance of food and community, not to mention my family upbringing.

Another project I thought was doing a great job is BasicTransfer.com  Like Kiva, it gives back to women around the world and with 910 million being the number of women living in extreme poverty in the world, this money can pull women and children out of poverty. Basic Transfer is a for profit company.

And RainforestRescueCoalition.org empowering indigenous tribes and individuals in the Peruvian rainforest.  Adam Bauer-Goulden is the founder!  If I could only bottle his gentle nature and complete love and focus for what he is doing, we could raise enough money to solve this issue.  He is an inspiration.

Past Global Activism events saw 5,000 or more attendees, featured short films and speakers.  I am hoping as time goes on, WBEZ will be able to incorporate more and more visual mediums, panel discussions and continue to include beautiful music like last night.  

Thanks to everyone who came out and those who organized this event.  Please check out these companies and nonprofits.  Find something you love, and help these young people realize their goals for mankind if you can.

It was great to meet them all and more information can be found on the event at www.WBEZ,org

Global Activism features individuals with Chicago ties who want to make the world a better place. Listen live on Thursdays or subscribe to the Global Activism podcast. If you know someone to nominate for the series, fill out this form. Chicago Public Media (WBEZ) has not independently investigated any persons or organizations that appear on the Global Activism series and does not endorse any such person or organization.