Saturday, September 13, 2014

Respect to Mother Earth

I love the earth...

Today, as I looked outside my office window, onto the vast sea of beautiful architecture in Chicago's landscape and breathe in the cool, crisp fall air, I was drawn outside, for there was a big surprise, yet another cluster of green beans in a pot I planted earlier this year.  And several variety of mint for my favorite drink Mojitos, flourishing and growing all summer long, and looking as fresh as the day they were planted.

In my sweatshirt and yoga pants, I took it all in and was overwhelmed by a sense of gratefulness to be here at this time and place, enjoying the pace of the city outside my door while basking in the chill with plants that may not be around in month when the planet brings in it's fall chill and renewal winter.

So for this moment, I wanted to reach out to each of you and ask; "Do you love the earth, our home?"  Do you treasure as often as possible, the gifts of food and flowers, of sunrises and senses of sea, forests, mountains and deserts, and sunsets of vibrant color, put on each day and night as a gift from our planet and for our pleasure?  

I can only think at this moment how care for our earth just cannot simply be a political issue.    What matters is that we show love for Mother Earth in the way we care for her and nourish her existence, while not destroying the very important and essential elements that help her thrive and survive for herself, for all the animals and insects, the plants and fish and for each of us.

Climate change arguments have been raging for so long.  I am not a scientist.  But I know intuitively that without caring for something you love, it will not flourish and it will struggle to survive.  

Please, just give some thought to Mother Earth tonight, as you watch the sunset and again in the morning, as she graces us with her morning light.  And think about what we each can do to treat her with the love and respect she so deserves.   

Love and light   J. Barcelos

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